
Allison Rietta’s water-tinted colours create a sense of dappled light as she weaves them into patterns and shapes. Drawing on the mystic sound of her Himalayan singing bowls, pieces exude melodic vibrations in which colours transcend the visual into the auditory. Beginning with a single colour, she layers to control opacity, creating pieces that hold both “veildness” and “transparency.” One piece comes to life in a gesture of fire and frenzy – another, with delicate and deliberate attention. 

Allison Rietta grew up in Canada and studied art at the Ontario College of Art and Design in Toronto. Her professional life as a creative director behind her, Allsion is now able to spend her time away from a computer, working with paper and paintbrush.

Lipman Art / Allison Rietta
Lipman Art / Allison Rietta
Lipman Art / Allison Rietta

Laurent Masoero for Abstract Lab


Alex Taves